Leveraging older adults for your organization can be a “win-win”

A recent article by Kaiser Health News highlights a new report in JAMA Psychiatry, entitled “Association Between Purpose in Life and Objective Measures of Physical Function in Older Adults”. It highlights that for adults older than 50, a sense of purpose in life may play an important role in maintaining physical function. After making it through the maelstrom of middle age, many adults find themselves approaching older age wondering “what will give purpose to my life?” now that the kids have flown the nest and retirement is in the cards. Experts advise that people seeking a sense of purpose consider spending more time on activities they enjoy or using work skills in a new way. This may be a great opportunity for board or volunteer outreach where organizations can leverage highly skilled and experienced individuals who have the time and motivation to be actively engaged and impactful.

On the flip side, these older adults will be receiving the benefit of not only helping a worthy cause but also decreasing the rate of declining physical functions.


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